Spain is a popular destination among students from all over the world thanks to its prestigious universities and vibrant culture. Secure your stay with the insurance we offer:
Health Assistance for Foreign Students in Spain
Ensuring adequate health coverage is essential to ensure a safe and peaceful stay. Student health insurance, such as that offered by Adeslas, is an ideal solution for those studying far from their home country. Traditional insurance would be affected by the typical waiting periods, which would not make any sense, for example, for a person who only comes to study for 1 year (and this is often the case).
What does Adeslas International Insurance include?
Adeslas international health insurance is designed specifically for students and covers a wide range of essential health services. Among the most notable coverages are:
- Primary Care and Specialties: Access to family doctors, pediatricians, and all types of specialists without long waits.
- Diagnostic tests: It includes clinical analyses, x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging, among other necessary procedures.
- Hospitalization: Complete coverage in case you need hospital admission, including surgical interventions.
- Emergencies: Emergency services available 24 hours a day for immediate attention in necessary cases.
- International Assistance: Guaranteed protection even outside of Spain, ideal for short trips or visits home. In this modality, repatriation to the country of origin in the event of death from any cause is also inseparably covered.
What Advantages Does Adeslas International Insurance Have?
Choosing Adeslas as your international health insurance provider brings with it numerous advantages:
- No Copays: What we offer you, in addition to having a competitive price, is free of co-payments for the provision of medical services.
- Without Deficiencies: Very important since, with traditional insurance, operations or hospital stays would not be covered during the first 8 months. With the one we offer you, yes.
- Experience: Adeslas, the No. 1 insurer in Spain in Health Insurance, covers more than 500.000 surgical interventions, more than 29 million medical consultations, some 400.000 hospital stays, almost 300.000 outpatient services, or more than 900.000 MRIs and CT scans, among other services, every year.
- Broad Network of Medical Centers: Adeslas guarantees you quick access to the largest private Medical List in the country.
- Clinic network: Unlimited coverage of days of stay in the best clinics: Teknon, Quirón, or Ruber, among many more.
- Multilingual Support: Customer service services in several languages, facilitating communication for foreign students.
Can I access Adeslas health insurance if I am only in Spain for one semester?
No. The minimum contract is for 1 year, renewable for entire years. If you return to your country of origin, it is advisable to cancel the contract before 11 months have elapsed.
What happens if I travel outside of Spain?
Adeslas insurance includes international coverage, allowing you to be protected during trips outside of Spain. Coverage in this case is limited to €12.000, trips of up to 90 days and accidents or sudden illnesses.
Is a medical exam necessary to take out the insurance?
Yes. A health questionnaire must be completed according to article 10 of the Spanish Insurance Law.
This health insurance is not only a key tool for your health, but also a requirement for many procedures in Spain, such as obtaining visas.
Make sure you are protected and enjoy your educational experience in Spain without worries.
Insurance documents and price
To apply for insurance, you can fill out the registration application, the health questionnaires, and upload everything, together with your passport, here. The response time is usually 24 hours.
Thousands of Spanish students go to foreign universities, Spanish universities also welcome foreigners, with more than 90.000 enrollments in public universities and more than 40.000 in private ones, with continuous growth in the attraction of students from outside Spain. There is this and more information related to this at